Advanced Anti-Ageing Chemical Peel Alternative

SWiCH™, short for Skin Wellness in Cellular Health, takes advantage of the skin’s natural repair mechanism, to help restore skin’s optimum appearance, without injury to the skin. The CIRCADIA® SWiCH™ Dermal Revitalisation System works to help the body generate its own cellular energy, safely replenishing healthy components of the skin without inflicting damage. This revolutionary treatment is refreshing and painless, and leaves the skin looking luminous and firmer with an even, balanced skin tone..

For optimal results 6 treatments is recommended.

SWiCH Full Face/Neck – $250

Frequently Asked Questions

Is SWICH safe?

When performed on the appropriate candidate, it is very safe and does not burn the skin, as traditional peel treatments can. SWiCH™ is a leave-on system. The active ingredients remain to provide longevity in repair and restoration. The client uses special home care included with the treatment for three days. Treatments may be repeated at monthly intervals for 6 to 12 months for maximum cumulative effects.

Does this treatment cause peeling?

A warm sensation may be experienced during the treatment for about sixty seconds. Most clients experience little or no peeling. Some red- ness may result which subsides in a few hours. It is important to follow the instructions on the home care kit provided after the treatment. It is recommended you book a consultation before booking a SWiCH™ treatment to assess your suitability.

Can I continue to use Vitamin A whilst on a series of SWiCH Treatments?

We will evaluate your skin and recommend the products you need to use prior to a SWiCH treatment. You will discontinue use of any retinol products 14 days prior to treatment, and follow the recommendations to extend and enhance your results.

How often is a treatment performed?

Every four- to- six weeks, for 6-12 sessions, or as recommended.

Can I return to work or apply makeup?

You will continue to use the after-care cleanser and cream for three days after SWiCH. Makeup may be applied the day after treatment. Eye makeup and lipstick may be worn immediately.

Is there special care after treatment?

Yes, you will be given products to take home and recommendations for daily use between treatments. Follow the directions given to you prior to and after your treatment.

Who should not use SWiCH™?

SWiCH™ should not be used by anyone who is pregnant, nursing, or allergic to aspirin or salicylates. Cancer patients may not receive SWiCH. You will discontinue use of any products containing Vitamin A for 14 days prior to treatment and will not use Vitamin A for one month afterward.
We recommend booking a consultation to see if SWiCH™ is right for you.