Now this skin issue is one that is largely within your control. Sweet you say – “now I don’t need to look like my Nonna.” Well before you get too excited, it’s still a common skin issue that I treat regularly, so what is going on??
Glycation and Cross-linking cause extrinsic ageing which simply means its due to diet and lifestyle not genetics.
Let’s start with Cross-linking.
This occurs when a collagen fiber (protein) links to another collagen fiber. When this happens the fibers become stiff and very hard and obstruct nutrient and waste elimination. The now damaged collagen shows up visibly as a wrinkle or sagging skin.
The main offender from Cross-linking is sugar, so lets get that straight out of our diets! Free radical release is also a contributor and are triggered by UV, smoking, heavy metals (especially from medication) and x-rays.
Glycation is also a form of cross-linking. Its where sugar attaches itself to a collagen fiber or elastin. Remember that elastin in our skin are the inner springs (same as in a mattress).
The function of collagen and elastin become impairs and abnormal structures called AGE’s (Advanced Glycation End Products) are created and bind to the collagen and elastin. So now we have stiff, impaired and non-functioning fibers.
You need to remember now the cells can’t eliminate waste due to the large clumps of cross-linked fibers, lets call this skin poo (sorry, I thought it was funny!)…. so the waste is now accumulating inside the cells. Not only do we now have wrinkled, sagging skin, there is cellular garbage aka ‘skin poo’ inside your skin cells which creates a pigment known as LIPOFUSCIN. Now I see this Lipofuscin quite regularly and it has nothing to do with sun exposure! It’s the dirty brown spot that won’t go away.
Just when you thought it could get worse than that the AGE’s that are produced also increase free radical production, trigger inflammation, decrease circulation and impair the skin’s ability to regenerate. Hold on…… you are going to look like Nonna!
The Solution
Well firstly, as I mentioned it’s not genetic, so you have control.
Luckily for us Circadia by Dr Pugliese have developed 2 amazing products to help fight back against Glycation and Cross-linking.

COUNTER AGE which contains a combination of plant extracts, peptides and phytochemicals to provide outstanding antioxidant and anti-glycation activities. This light water based serum contains DermalRx LuShield which protects the skin from glycation-induced inflammation and prevents cell loss from AGEs. For best results use with Glyco Guard.
GLYCO-GUARD This amazing cream contains a carefully chosen blend of biomolecules to reduce and prevent advanced glycation in the cells. The peptides, plant extracts and oils provide antioxidant and detoxification activities and promote connective tissue preservation .
If you already are showing the signs of cross-linking or glycation, these 2 products are a must have! You can use them at night time along with your other products.
Circadia also have a few treatments which will help with the already visible signs of glycation. I would recommend a series of Swich Treatments and Zymase Enzyme with Firming Peptide Enzyme mask. Either of these treatments would be a fantastic treatment to have in clinic.
Remember if you don’t want cross-linking or glycation, please eat clean, cut out all sugar from your diet, stop smoking and eliminate heavy metal exposure (regular detoxification will help with this). It may be difficult for some but removing even a few of these things will reduce the effects of cross-linking or glycation. No-one and I mean no-one wants SKIN POO!
Check out our Circadia Firming Peptide treatment in action!